TPR Review 2020

Process & Proposal 2020

The process leading to the Review Report will be conducted in phases to ensure timely completion. The work in each phase will be shared by the Administration, Accreditation Steering Committee, and Thematic Working Groups.

Background and Work Plan
Review of previous reviews and reports to assess the status of thematic activities in place at the time of the last accreditation and mid-cycle review. A list of specific goals will be developed for the working group and a timeline will be prepared for the completion of remaining work.

Initial Data Collection, Gap Analysis, Final Work Plan
Specific Criteria for Review (CFRs) within the Compliance with WSCUC Standards and Federal Requirements Worksheet addressed by or remaining fully or partially unmet by current activities and initiatives will be identified.

Data Collection and Analysis
Provide evidence of significant changes made since the 2010 accreditation. The success of these activities and initiatives against their intended outcomes will be assessed demonstrating the achievement of Caltech's academic and educational goals. Additional data will be collected and new analytical tools and processes will be designed to confirm that new efforts meet CFRs.

Preparation of Working Group Reports
Describe the importance of specific activities and initiatives to Caltech's mission and institutional goals and the extent of improvements in educational effectiveness and student achievement. Describe how Caltech has analyzed and utilized the evidence to improve institutional outcomes and efforts to be completed or implemented in the future.

Preparation of Final Report
Complete WSCUC Standards and Federal Requirements Worksheet and provide specific evidence that CFRs are met in the form of links to Caltech website pages, reference to pages in institutional reports, reference to specific sections of Institute handbooks or guides, and specially written material. Thematic Working Group narrative reports will be incorporated into the final Accreditation Review Report.